Canarytokens: Token Anything, Anywhere

InfoSec superstar (and long-time Canary fan) theGrugq recently mused on twitter about generating alerts when certain binaries are run on your hosts. We definitely think it has its uses, and we figured it would be worth discussing a quick way to make this happen (using the existing TL;DR: You can pass arbitrary data to a web-token allowing you to use it as a reliable, generic alerter of sorts. We often refer to our Web and DNS Canarytokens as our

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Simple Graphs with Arbor.js

We recently released a tool at to capture and collect infosec conference details. We commented on it [here]. One of the cooler components of it, is the ability to view the relationships between speakers/researchers who have collaborated. This post is a quick introduction to the library we used to build our graphs, with enough info to get you up and running in minutes. As I mentioned, we use ArborJS library which is a a graph visualization library using web

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