When you can’t do awesome things, because of crushing bureaucracy

I’ve sometimes bumped into people who bemoan their broken company cultures with varying degrees of self-awareness. Around 2007, a then-customer heard we were heading to Vegas to speak at BlackHat and said: You guys are so lucky.. my company won’t let us go to anything like that At the time I bristled. We worked for months on that research, dedicating many nights and burnt family time before we could stand up and talk. For sure our company celebrated those wins,

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Save My Vid

SaveMyVid was created during our 2018 HackWeek. It’s goals are simple. I want to be able to tag/submit videos for watching, and then want them reliably stored somewhere (ideally on my iPad) Usage: Once you have an account on savemyvid.net, you are given an email address (like savemyvid+d1cf..@savemyvid.net) and a URL which is your personal podcast (like: http://d1cfc…savemyvid.net/podcast/output.rss) When you see a tweet with a video you want, or come across some video you are interested in, simply forward the

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