Defending against the Attack of the Clone[d website]s!

Front matter In a previous post, Casey talked about our Cloned Website Canarytoken and how it fares against modern phishing attacks. Today, we are releasing two new versions of the token which alert you when an attacker is using an Adversary-in-the-Middle (AitM) attack against one of your sites. An added bonus is that the new tokens can be deployed on properties you only have limited administrative access to (like your Azure tenant login portal or hosted blog). In this post

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Meet “ZipPy”, a fast AI LLM text detector

Introduction Today we’re open-sourcing a research project from Labs, ZipPy, a very fast LLM text detection tool. Unless you’ve been living under a rock (without cellphone coverage), you’ve heard of how generative AI large language models (LLMs) are the “next big thing”. Hardly a day goes by without seeing a breathless article on how LLMs are either going to remake humanity, or bring upon its demise; this post is neither, while we think there are some neat applications for LLMs,

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Swipe right on our new credit card tokens!

Detect breaches with Canary credit cards! TL;DR; Today we’re releasing a new Canarytoken type: actual credit cards!  We recommend placing one anywhere you store payment information. If you ever get an alert on it, you know that that data-store has been compromised. Background Canaries generally aim to look like something an attacker would want to interact with. It’s why our mantra has always been that Canaries should look valuable (instead of just vulnerable). Historically, these have been network services, or

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Good attacks make good detections make good attacks make..

(The making of a MySQL Canarytoken) tl;dr Consider this scenario: An industrious attacker lands on one of your servers and finds a 5MB MySQL dump file (say, called prod_primary.dump). What do they do next? Typically, they would load this dump-file into a temporary database to rummage through the data. As soon as they do, you get an email/SMS/alert letting you know: Eds note: You can create and deploy these by visiting (completely free; no registration needed) There are obvious benefits

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